Lawmaker faces removal from office for membership in Oathkeepers

2 years ago

Does membership in the group Oathkeepers – which is at the center of the partisan Jan. 6 commission's probe – disqualify an American citizen from holding office? That's what a lawsuit against Alaska state Republican Rep. David Eastman, a West Point grad and Army veteran, contends. Eastman, sued by a constituent who wants him removed from office, is accused of violating the Alaska state constitution, which disqualifies anyone who advocates "the overthrow by force or violence of the United States.

In an interview with WND, Eastman makes it clear he abides by the oath he took as an Army officer to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic." He's actually never even been to an Oathkeepers meeting. But his membership in Oathkeepers is not in question. The plaintiffs, in a case with nationwide implications, will have to prove that the group advocates the overthrow of America's constitutional government. The Jan. 6 commission insists they can make the case. But Eastman asks, Where is the evidence?

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