Weekend at Biden’s Presidency | 9/29/22

1 year ago

The hurricane in Florida turned out to be so dangerous that Jim Cantore of the Weather Channel couldn't handle the 155mph winds. There was an 18-foot storm surge in Fort Myers. Of course, the media is trying to politicize it by starting to criticize DeSantis over baseless claims. Climate change, of course, is the reason Don Lemon got shut down by a member of the NOAA on live TV. NOAA denies that hurricanes are intensifying, despite what leftist pundits say. Hurricane Ian will most likely have a lasting impact financially on west Florida. Apparently, the best country to live in, in the entire world, is Switzerland. Joe Biden's mental decline is on full display when he looks for a congresswoman who died in August. KJP was trying to cover up the incident but failed to do so, as more and more reporters are asking about the president’s mental state. Would the media treat the president the same way if he was a Republican? Grown men performed another drag show for children in Tennessee recently. A woman tells her story of when she was walked in on while she was in a dressing room, and the store did nothing because of transgender policies.

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