WHAT A HYPOCRITE! Doctor who shamed the unvaccinated now admits that the vaccine is dangerous

2 years ago

A doctor by the name of Aseem Malhotra went out of his way to shame the unvaccinated by calling them "irrational" for refusing to take the vaccine. He always asserted it as "safe and effective" in 2021, he would always shame people for even questioning the contents of the vaccine. Now in 2022, he admits that the vaccines can cause harm to anyone who takes it. This piece of shit is controlled opposition, without a doubt. At first, he gaslights the unvaccinated but now considers them rational for questioning the vaccine? He is damage control, for sure. He just doesn't want to face justice for being a vaccine pusher when more and more people realize that his influence is partly responsible for the vaccine genocide of this century. He and every single other doctor pushing this poison must pay for this. Doctors swore an oath to protect their patients, but instead, they are literally ending their lives with this poison they call a vaccine. They are murderous oathbreakers. Hippocratic oath? More like hypocritical oath. All they care about is money, even at the expense of their patient's lives. They all deserve to die.

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