Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) by The Eurythmics ~ For Our Children

1 year ago

First, the Video used for this song comes from the White Hat Movie, X-Men: Apocalypse (2016) and the scene where QuickSILVER saves everyone from certain destruction...that Scene was made for this song, and it seems like this Song was made for that Video, no matter how unlikely that seems...they are both powerfully connected to one another, and that's why I used this source material...

This is the Signature song to the Brilliant "Band", The Eurythmics...and thus, we should start with some basic Innerstandings about the Band and the two principal Co-Creators, Annie Lennox and Dave Stewart...

First, the name of the Band, Eu is Greek, and it means Goodness, and that which Springs from Goodness, and Rhythmos is also Greek, meaning the Measured Flow of Energy in Symmetry, or BALANCE...thus, The Eurythmics means the Flow of Good Energy in Balance with God...and, as everyone knows, Sweet Dreams are Made of This...

The Eurythmics = 174, or One (1) Jesus Christ (74)...

Thy Almighty God - 174
The Awakening Light - 174
Trust the Plan - 174
Storm is Coming - 174
You'll Find Out - 174
Eye of the Storm - 174
Number of the Beast - 174
I AM Jesus Christ - 174
God is in Control - 174
We Make our Choices - 174
The Age of Aquarius - 174
The Wait is Over - 174
Real Donald Trump - 174
Fast and Furious - 174
Luke Skywalker - 174
I AM Victorious - 174

And the fact that both Annie Lennox and Dave Stewart know Simple Gematria, and use it so often within the Creation of their Music, begins to tell us a lot...just like with the Song, 17 Again...

"All those fake celebrities
And all those viscous queens
All the stupid papers
And the stupid magazines
Sweet dreams are made of anything
That gets you in the scene
And it feels like I'm seventeen again
Yeah, it feels like I'm seventeen again
Yes, it feels like I'm seventeen again
Seventeen, seventeen again
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
(Sweet dreams are made of these
Who am I to disagree
I travel the world and the seven seas
Everybody's looking for something, yeah)"

In fact, when you begin to apply Gematria across their Songs, and closely examine their Lyrics, you see clearly a powerful tie to the Band and the Q Team, especially with regards to their obvious Care and Compassion for Children...and when you do a little more research and listen to some of the interviews that both have given, you see more and more of this supreme concern for how bad off the World is, and their concern for the Well-being of Children...thus, it is not a great leap to connect the Dots to the QRST Team...

And within the limited set of lyrics to this song, it is clear that both Annie and Dave have 'Travelled the World' and found Monsters everywhere they have gone...a World of Offenders and Victims, where 'some of them want to Abuse you, and some of them want to be abused by you'...where it is clear that these lyrics connect to both the Abusers and the Victims...it is an UGLY reality that we have allowed to come to pass under our Watch, and this is why Annie and Dave decided Long Ago to do something about it...which is why the have so often sported the Looks of Secret Agents, or Under Cover Spies...which also explains all of the get-ups and different looks that they used on their Albums...especially Annie, who showed that she could dress up and pass for a Man...which has resulted in MANY in the 'so-called' Truth Community calling her Trans-Gender...

Again, as I said during the Video, the things that the Q Team will do and endure for the sake of those who would call them the Monsters...Hopefully this video will open your Eyes and help you to see Straight, and Clear...Annie Lennox and Dave Stewart are MASSIVE White Hats that have done so much to succor a Safe and Beautiful future for our Children...just look at the song that I will do shortly here, that Dave Stewart co-wrote with Tom Petty, Don't Come Around Here No More, that SCREAMED that both of them were Part of Q and helping to Takedown the Cabal by Protecting our Children...

Sit back, Relax, and Enjoy this masterpiece to the glory of God's Creation, and please remember friends that Colleen and I take care of 77 Animals here at our Shire Animal Rescue Sanctuary, if you can comfortably afford to donate a little towards the costs of caring for our precious Family, we would greatly appreciate it...if you cannot afford to help, you can help in other ways, including sending us your Intentions of Love, of Strength and of Wisdom...

So, if you are willing, we would be VERY appreciative if you could sign up Monthly, via PayPal (which works well in Mexico), or thru our Givesendgo page...for a one time PayPal Donation to our Animals,


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Enjoy, Love, CF

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