Italia's new Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni: NOT a Fascist

1 year ago

The dishonest mainstream media of The US/Canada/Europe/Austrailia/New Zealand falsely label the 1st female Prime Minister in the history of Italia as a fascist, but they have absolutely no understanding of what a fascist actually is or what the fascists believed in.

This video is an autistic-level breakdown of what fascism is, how it started in the 1870s (loooooong before Mussolini was around), where the term came from (Latin word "fasces" = Italian word "fascio" = bundle of sticks/rods = group/union/organization), how that word turned into many groups w/ different ideas called fasci (bundles), how 2 of those groups with absolutely ZERO political ideology beyond the desire for a revolution to obtain government & economic power at any cost + a fondness for the glories of war (any war for pretty much any reason) combined into a singular group founded/led by Mussolini (Fasci d'Azione Rivoluzionaria = Group of Revolutionary Action) in 1915. This occurred due to Mussolini having been fired as the national director of The Italian Socialist Party the previous year (for advocating Italy getting involved in WWI against Germany).

This video contains a reading & analysis of "The Doctrine of Fascism", written by Mussolini himself in 1927 (published in English in a monthly periodical called "The Living Age" in Nov 1933) to describe, in his own words, what Fascism was.

This video contains a speech in 2019 by Giogia Meloni (now Prime Minister Meloni) detailing her opinions regarding the modern problems faced by the people of Italia, and espousing her beliefs in the value of marriage & the traditional family, and promoting the idea of government doing something to help increase the declining birth rate in Italy (which is also a problem in the rest of Europe). For this, the leftist-controlled media of western cultures around the world are actively trying to silence her, discredit her, marginalize her, and reduce her influence by falsely accusing her of being a Fascist...
...but these dishonest corrupt morons don't even know what fascism actually is because none of them have ever actually read his own words on what it was.

In this video, I did just that.
As it turns out...
...Fascism is not exactly what I thought it was
...Fascism is not what they think it is
...Fascism is NOT what they claim it is

Regardless, the descriptions do NOT match what Prime Minister Meloni is, so the allegations are complete horseshit.


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