1 year ago

This speech was written and given by one of Brother Lester Roloff's preacher boys at the homes. Old Glory, does not look as she once did. The red stripes are faded pink. Old Glory's white stripes are now dull and soiled. It is a sad time in our nation's history. Today Old Glory is spat upon, burned and dishonored. Our government is filled with nothing but blatant crime, corruption and treason. Old Glory has witnessed the truth that no nation can stand without God.

Instead of securing liberty and justice for all, our nation's legal system is corrupt, unfair and rigged. The powerful American eagle now sits with a gnarled beak, closed wings, trembling legs and a dim eye. The American eagle ought to be replaced with the ostrich who buries its head in the sand. We have become the land of cowards and the home of the slaves!

Immorality is encouraged across the land. Many people sinfully laugh at those who follow holiness. TV's Late Night Shows make a mock at sin and blaspheme the precious holy name of Jesus Christ. They sinfully smile upon and approve of those who live in sin. They have wallowed in Satan's pig-pen and now our nation's dying. We've kicked God out of the schools and now they need armed guards to prevent the students from mugging and killing the teachers and each other.

The word "wicked" is misused, in such terms as "wicked cool,"now being taught to teenagers to describe things that are good; thus eliminating the few words which reveal the awfulness of sin against God, and confusing young people. Satan is corrupting everything! Satan has published hundreds of Bibles to confuse everyone. Yet, the inspired, preserved, infallible, faithful King James Bible is scorned, laughed at, and attacked.

In return to God's undeserved blessings, Americans spit upon Him by partying in SIN CITY, paryting in nude and drunken shame at Mardi Gras, viewing slutty whorishly unclothed women on MTV, CMT, Walt Disney, HollyWEIRD, and indulging in all forms of wickedness. God is angry about this wickedness (Colossians 3:5-6). The television has become the HELLivision, effectively corrupting the good morals of our nation and brainwashing the public with mainstream newsmedia lying propaganda.

Old Glory has become the laughing stock of the world. Whereas she once proudly waved over a land of liberty and justice for all; now America has become a land of woeful treason, cowards, blatant government crimes, and pleasure-seekers who shamelessly indulge in sin.

Old Glory's people are no longer brave and refuse to fight., Lawbreakers are now their heroes. Our nation loves violence, rebellion and sexual immorality. People no longer care to be pure, honest and love their neighbor.

The nation for which Old Glory stands is dying. We have forgotten God. We have kicked God out of our homes, our schools and our government. Yet, the very stars in the heavens would disintegrate and never reappear if it weren't for an omnipotent God Who keeps the universe in order.

Yet, we don't want God in our nation. As we see the stars on the U.S. flag, we ought to think about the heavenly stars, which God keeps in orbit and their beauty. Tragically, most people don't think they need God. No wonder our nation's divorce courts are full. No wonder injustice abounds.

Our nation's ONLY hope is JESUS CHRIST. We need God! Through the darkness there is a ray of hope. 2nd Chronicles 7:14-15 promises that God will heal our land if we'll humble ourselves, pray, seek God's face, and turn from our wicked ways. If America is to be cleansed, then we must return to God. He has promised to forgive (Isaiah 1:18). Old Glory is no more! Our nation is dying. If the stars in the heavens need God, then what insanity makes people think that they don't need God.

It is my earnest prayer that God will use this video to impress upon your heart. Our nation needs the God of the Bible.

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