How Essential Oils Improve Brain Function and What Oils to Use!!

1 year ago

How Essential Oils Improve Brain Function and What Oils to Use!!

You probably know how good essentials oils smell and that they can lift your
mood. But did you know that essential oils can actually improve your brain
Those wonderful smells are made up of gazillions of tiny particles that directly
affect the limbic part of your brain. Every time you breathe in the essential oil
molecules, they are absorbed through the mucous linings of your nostrils and
go straight to the olfactory system, eventually ending up in your olfactory
cortex and your limbic area.
The limbic part of your brain regulates emotions, memory, your nervous
system, heart rate, and blood pressure. The reason that essential oils can be so
effective and beneficial for your brain is due to the characteristics of
sesquiterpenes, one of the three compounds that make up essential oils.
Sesquiterpene molecules are so tiny they can pass the blood-brain barrier.
They are also oxygen-carrying molecules which means they can help the brain
heal, improve concentration and learning, and boost brain energy.
But how do you know which essential oils to choose? The following oils have
all been shown to improve cognitive function.
Rosemary is an excellent oil to use if you’re studying, or to help manage
dementia, as it has proprieties that can enhance your ability to store and retain
Peppermint can help improve concentration, memory, and alertness. It is also
good for soothing and relaxing muscles and can be applied directly to the
forehead to help headaches.

Basil is an ancient plant long used to increase attention spans and improve
memory. Basil can also help calm and de-stress when you’re feeling
overwhelmed. As well as helping to reduce anxiety, nervousness, and fatigue,
basil will give you an energy boost right when you most need it.
Lavender is not just good for helping you sleep. Research has shown that it can
help you focus and improve your mental performance precisely because it
helps cut through mental stress and fatigue.
Grapefruit essential oil is associated with increased creativity, energy, and
positivity and stimulates the brain to promote alertness and improve focus.
Lemon stimulates the central nervous system, leading to increased attention
span, greater focus, and enhanced ability to remember information. One study
even showed that exposing workers to lemon essential oil increased work
accuracy by more than fifty percent!
Ylang ylang has been shown to have an antidepressant effect, improve mental
processing and memory. Ylang ylang is also calming and leads to improved
If you were using your essential oil diffuser to make your environment smell
nice, now you know you can do so much more with it. Improve your mood and
your cognitive function, all while enjoying refreshing scents!

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