I Regret My Abortion - Jenn's Story | Can't Stay Silent

2 years ago

Jenn didn't want to have an abortion. But she was manipulated and coerced by her fiancé, who claimed he wasn't ready to have a child. #CantStaySilent

"Immediately I had a panic attack. I had so much guilt and regret. When it was happening, all I could do was just pray and ask God to forgive me."

For 20 long years, she struggled with regret, depression, guilt, anger, self-hatred, and resentment towards the baby's father. It wasn't until she was connected with post-abortion healing ministries that Jenn found some semblance of healing.

Visit http://cantstaysilent.com to share how abortion has impacted you, and learn more about the path to healing for men, women, and children impacted by abortion. #CantStaySilent

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