放鬆的心靈音樂|Relaxing Music • Sleep Music,Relaxing Music, Meditation Music★51

1 year ago

2、壓力的方向沒有固定的指向,但始終和受力物體的接觸面相垂直。 (因為接觸面可能是水平的,也可能是豎直或傾斜的)重力有固定的指向,總是豎直向下。

stress concept
1. Physical pressure: refers to the force that occurs on the contact surfaces of two objects, or the vertical force of a gas on the surface of a solid and a liquid, or the vertical force of a liquid on the surface of a solid. Traditionally, in mechanics and most engineering disciplines, the word "pressure" is synonymous with pressure in physics.
Generation mechanism:
The pressure on a solid surface is usually the result of elastic deformation and is generally a contact force. The pressure on the surfaces of liquids and gases is usually the result of gravity and molecular motion.
The direction of action of the pressure is usually perpendicular to the contact surface of the object. If pressure is observed to act in a direction that is not perpendicular to the contact surface, it is usually due to the combined effect of pressure and friction.
2. Psychological stress: Stress is a cognitive and behavioral experience process composed of psychological stressors and psychological stress responses. Stress is a foreign word derived from the Latin "stringere", which means pain.
The word now written is an acronym for "distress". It has the meanings of "tension, stress, stress", etc. It has long been recognized that stress can affect people's physical and mental health. Psychologist Han Selye was the first to use the term "stress".
Pressure and Gravity:
1. Pressure is produced by the extrusion and deformation of two objects in contact with each other. According to the nature of force, pressure belongs to elastic force; gravity is produced by the attraction of objects near the ground by the earth.
2. The direction of the pressure has no fixed direction, but it is always perpendicular to the contact surface of the stressed object. (Because the contact surface may be horizontal, vertical or inclined) Gravity has a fixed direction, always straight down.
3. Pressure can be generated by gravity or independent of gravity. When an object is placed on a level surface and no other external force acts, the pressure and gravity are equal in magnitude. When an object is placed on an incline, the pressure is less than gravity. When an object is pressed against a vertical surface, the pressure is completely independent of gravity. When an object is lifted and pressed against the ceiling, gravity weakens the effect of pressure.
5. The action point of pressure is on the force-bearing surface of the object, the action point of gravity is at the center of gravity of the object, and the center of gravity of the regular and uniform geometry is at the geometric center of the object.
Forces can deform objects. For example, using a wooden stick to squeeze the dough from all corners, it can be seen that when the wooden stick leaves, there are pits left on the dough, and the force that makes the dough dent and deform is pressure.

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