We have two types of people in the world

1 year ago

We have two types of people in the world

In todays world it sees we have two types of people, and they may be on the left, right or middle politically.

The first type considers others as well as themselves.

The second sees only themselves and there rights as important, and has no regard for other peoples feelings.

For example, I would not play music load, have parties, have junk in my garden and so on. Simply because I do not want to upset others.

Other people do not care if they upset others, with parties, load music, and so on, as they will tell you they have rights. It is there right they will tell you that they can act this way, and so they will do so, and sod you. If your upset, sod you.

In deed we also have people who demand you use words they want. They may demand you use the correct pronouns as not to, is against what they believe is there right. Not doing so, they may claim may upset them.

But oddly, the same people who demand there rights will often refuse to accept you too have rights and feelings. Only they matter in the world. You do not matter. Yet they claim they believe in equality and will pretend they believe in rights for all. Equality for all, often only goes as for to those they deem worthy.

In the film ‘Gender Pronouns, Get Them Right! | MTV Life’ it informs us we MUST address someone with respect. Yet the ‘someone’ they refer to has no need to address you with respect, as to do so, would mean respecting them enough to accept how they choose to communicate with you.

Link: https://youtu.be/gXLFdYNEl_I

In the film, apparently using the wrong terminology, means a trans person will feel unsafe in your company. It is unclear why a person would feel unsafe.

The interesting thing, is for a community that talks about safe spaces, feeling unsafe and so on. You would think they would treat others in a way to make them feel safe. Yet, at protests we see this community acting very scary towards others. Being abusive. So again, clearly the rules apply to a select few.

In the vid, it states that some people choose to see themselves as non-binary, and use different pronouns’. Your free to do this. I was a heavy metal person as a child, others are goths, punks, and so on. It is part of youth to engage in whatever trend is going on at the time.

But as for me asking a persons pronouns, it is something I wont do, as I have no interest in your pronouns, as your not important. This is where many who play these games, get confused. They have convinced themselves they are important and the world must rotate around them. In the real world, most people just see them as berks. In the same way as when I had long hair, and a heavy metal person, most people thought I was a berk. The difference being, moth youths up till now wanted to be seen as an outsider, and did not want acceptance, and so we delighted in being seen as a berk.

This youth culture of non-binary, is simply that, a youth culture.

Where youth culture of non-binary have not understood, or seem to ignore, is that what they are doing and how they dress is not new. As I have said, I had long hair as a youth, and probably was dressing far more feminine than those today. Sorry to break it to you, but we have done what your doing over many years in many forms (goth, punks, teddy boys, heavy metal, so on and so on).

Later in the film, we are told we MUST use pronouns as it may have huge problems on there mental health. One wonders if I am forced (as this person says) to use such pronouns, should my mental health not also be considered. If you can have mental health problems from someone not using the correct words, then clearly I can have mental health problems from being forced to use certain words. Or again is it a case of only certain people have rights and sod others?

I was speaking to someone who has been to war who was telling me how he has mental health problems from seeing friends killed. Clearly he has not suffered from someone calling him he rather than them as a preferred pronoun.

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