#7 Mattias Desmet´s "Psychology of Totalitarianism" Awakens Controversy | Nina Kristiina Honkanen

2 years ago

Mattias Desmet has been promoting the concept "mass formation" frequently in numerous interviews worldwide. His interviews have been watched by millions of people and that´s why the topic of this video is so important, namely, the importance of practicing awareness and discernment in all our endeavours in these peculiar times.
TEKSTITYS SUOMEKSI/Subtitles in Finnish available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tio4S9GRAJw. HUOM! YOUTUBE ON SENSUROINUT KAIKKI TÄRKEÄT LINKIT, JOTKA LÖYTYVÄT TÄSTÄ ALTA niiltä, jotka eivät ole kirjautuneina google-tililleen!/Youtube has censored all the important links here below from those who are not signed in their google account!

Mattias Desmet on mainostanut käsitettä "massan muodostaminen" usein lukuisissa haastatteluissa maailmanlaajuisesti. Hänen haastattelujaan ovat katsoneet miljoonat ihmiset ja siksi tämän videon aihe on niin tärkeä, nimittäin, huomaamisen ja erottelukyvyn harjoittaminen kaikissa toimissamme näinä kummallisina aikoina.
Linkki suomenkieliseen videooni, jossa viittaan Desmetin ajatuksiin ENNEN KUIN OLIN LUKENUT HÄNEN KIRJANSA: https://tokentube.net/v/1373759443/-2-Suuri-Koronavirusplandemia---sarja--Joukkoharhasta-Totalitarismiin---Nina-Kristiina-Honkanen

Links and references:
*Review by Ulrike Granögger: https://home.solari.com/book-review-the-psychology-of-totalitarianism-by-mattias-desmet/
*Review by dr. Peter Breggin: https://home.solari.com/book-review-of-the-psychology-of-totalitarianism-by-dr-peter-and-ginger-breggin/
*Important discussion about the totalitarian control grid with Catherine Austin Fitts and Ulrike Granögger: https://home.solari.com/control-freedom-happen-one-person-at-a-time-with-ulrike-granogger/
*Interview of Swiss cardiologist Thomas Binder: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/dr-thomas-binder-interview-how-psychology-weaponized-suppress-truth-age-covid/
*About the role of behavioral psychology and mass psychology in the false COVID-19 narrative: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/rockefeller-foundation-nonprofits-behavioral-psychology-covid-vaccines/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=25571782-5efc-45cf-aafd-3065a6b7bfaf
*Important teaching about the cosmology of consciousness: Pistis Sophia – A Coptic Gnostic Text with Commentary, J. J. and Desiree Hurtak, 1999 https://shop.keysofenoch.eu/teaching/books/english-books/pistis-sophia


My own web pages:
*https://www.ninakhvideos.com (some parts are in English)

Adagio for Organ & Strings in G minor composed by Tomaso Albinoni and performed by The Modena Chamber Orchestra is licensed under a Public Domain License (http://bit.ly/PublicDomain1-0)
Music promoted by Royalty Free Music Library: https://youtu.be/3xp-6GgjRrk

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