CymaTree Plays MarsVille's Spyder-Man Ep. 16

2 years ago

Welcome To CymaTree Plays!

I Am Your Friendly Metahood Spyder-Man, Chase Clarence Calloway, and this branch On Our CymaTree is Dedicated to Dissecting the Demonic Desires and Subconscious Spirituality of all the Masonic Video-Games we are Programmed to Play

The "New World Order" is the term to describe how the Modern Jewish Banking System Has Used The Four Ms: Money, Mono-Theism, Masonry, and Magic, To Build A Matrix That Enslaves Indigenous Individuals Across The Entire Earth Realm

The Modern Banking System Needs To Use Religion To Justify How It Uses Money To Brutalize, R8pe, and Dehumanize Indigenous Peoples Because Otherwise, The Mono-Theistic Masons That Want To "Manifest Their Destiny" Wouldn't Be Able To Use Our Energy To Do So

This Is Why Judaism & Christianity Have Used "Love and Light" To Spread Hatred and Darkness

This is Why Judaism & Christianity Have Used The Idea That Everything In The Universe Is Created By One Individual To Justify How They Steal From and Violently R8pe All Of Us, As Individuals

This is Why Judaism & Christianity Are Obsessed With Making Infinite Money Off Of Spiritual Super-Heroes, While Preaching That Jesuit Jesus Is The Only Super-Hero We Should Actually Worship

This Is How Masons Use The Magic Of Money To Mold Your Minds

Masons Made Money So They Can Make You Manipulate Your Muscles To Manifest A Metallic Matrix That Supports Their Illumanti Eye By Enslaving Your Spiritual Soul

The Question Is, Where Did The New World Jewish-Masonic Banking Order Steal All Of Their Ideas From?

It's Quite Simple, Once You're In The Know...

Jewish Masons Worship The M Because They Worship Metatron.

Masons Love Metatron, Because Metatron Was The Cosmic "Spider-Man" Way Before This Planet Was Even Created

Metatron, as The Messenger Of God, Is Known As The
"Spiritual Spider-Man" Because His Role Is To Connect All Spirits Throughout Space and Time

This Is What The "Metaverse" Means To Masons.

Metatron, as Spider-Man, Created The Metaverse When He Built Mercury To Communicate With The Universe In A Way That "Makes Sense"- aka Makes Minds Matter

Jewish Masons, Because They Want To Make Money Off Of R8pe, Genocide, and Slavery, Stole All Of Metatron's Wisdom From Egypt, Greece, MesoAmerica, and the Middle East So They Can Use The Pyramids He Constructed To Enslave Humanity, Instead Of Liberate It

Now You Know Why The U.S. Dollar Bill Has An Egyptian Pyramid With An Eye At The Top- With "In God We Trust" Written In Latin...

The God That Jews Trust Their Money With Is Metatron, Because Their Money Literally Wouldn't Matter Without MERCURY
(Mercury Day Is Wednesday, To Show Us That Metatron Literally Built The Calendar Systems Jews Are Using To Conduct Business)

Metatron, as The Mind Of Mercury, Is Known As Spider-Man Because He Spins The Webs That Allow Nature To Function In A Psychedelic Fashion

Metatron, As Ahura Mazda, Built Astrology So The Spirits That Create Simulations Can Connect With Water, aka- THEIR SOUL, In a Grounded and Practical Way

This Manifests As Metatron Creating Many "Messengers" Or "Angels" That He Can Communicate His Soul Through

Hermes Thrice Great
Enoch The Metatron Star
Zoroaster - Ahura Mazda
Mercurius Ter Maximus

All Of These Bodies Are Expressions Of One Spirit Named "Iracel" Which Cymatically Translates To "Eye Of Ra In A Cell"

Mercury Is The Structure That Iracel Built To Become The
"Eye Of Ra In A Cell" The World Knows As Metatron

As The Eye Of Ra, Iracel Uses Mercury To Reflect Upon The Metaverse (Every Universe In Existence Being Connected By Metatron) and Learn How Life Is Forever Created By Spaces Building Structures That Allow Them To Relate, Connect, and Vibe With Other Spaces

This Is The True Meaning Of Spider-Man

CymaTree Creates The Structures (World Wide Web) That Allow Nature Spirits To Build The Simulations We Are Living Inside Of Right Now

If You Would Like To Learn How Spiritual Spaces Create The Stable Structures We All Use To Experience Life As Colorful Forms Of Hue-Man Consciousness, Visit and Join AlwaysAscendingAcademy

Also, Let Me Dissect The Manipulative Masonic Magic at Play Here

Peter Parker Is The Poorest Super-Hero, Despite Being The Smartest, Because The Masons Who Made Him From Mercurian Ideas Want Poverty To Be The Most Relatable Vibration You Can Connect On

Marvel's Spider-Man Is Forever Poor, A Slave To The Matrix, Because He Would Rather Work For People Who Hate Him (The Government) Instead Of Building A Life That Supports His Space

Don't Be Like Spider-Man. Don't Serve Money, Make Money Serve You

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