I found a property the seller will sell to me at full market price. Is it a good deal?

2 years ago

Good question.

No, that is not a deal that would be worth doing unless for some reason you wanted to buy the house to live in and were thinking about it not as an investment.

For an investment deal to be a good deal you need to combine some elements like purchasing the asset below market value. If you are not purchasing below market value then you need as close to zero down as possible.

If the property has no equity and you are paying full market value and not getting price for below market value, you are a retail investor that is going to get average returns.

If you want to be a great investor you have to learn to purchase assets for less than market value. If you want to buy at full price then you have to get as close to zero down as possible or negative cash down (i.e., cash at closing) for it to be a good deal.

If you want to learn more about investing and network with other investors, I suggest attending my weekly investor networking meetings. They are held each Sunday and are like going to church only more profitable.


I hope that helps and good luck with your investing!

Benjamin Z Miller

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