Better Communication

1 year ago

As entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, and small business owners. Why is this important to us? Because we're not speakers. We're service providers.
We're experts at whatever it is that we do.

I did a little research and found a statistic that came from the project. co. They said 96% of people think the businesses they deal with could improve when it comes to communication and project management. Okay. 96% of people think businesses they deal with could improve when it comes to communication and project management. Clearly, this kind of communication where you're talking is just one part of that. There are also emails, and texting, all the different ways in which we communicate with our clients. If we are better with our nonverbal communication skills, what we say will land in our potential client's ears, as well as our current clients.
If it's a potential client, if you're more interested to listen when you're explaining what your service or products are, they're more likely going to listen to you. And if you're paying attention to their nonverbals, you'll more likely stop yourself from doing a throw-up on them and ask them questions. Right. I just had an aha moment with you. So when we were talking about doing this and getting you on the show and everything, and your focus is speakers, teaching people how to speak more vibrantly. As a service provider, of technology. I mean, you can't get more boring than that. For me, it was like, well, I'm not a speaker. I'm not in front of, hundreds of people on stages. I have zero desire to ever do that. Is it really important to me? What I just heard you say is it doesn't matter if you are a speaker, you always speak to your potential clients even if it's on the phone. This is where getting better at this can help. So you don't have to be a speaker, to take advantage of what you're teaching us. Absolutely. Absolutely. And that being said, for the most part, we all need to be able to speak for a minute to three minutes. About what we do, of course. We want to get better at what we do and actually survive and thrive and make money. Exactly. So even if you don't wanna be the best speaker you could possibly be, And I know there are lots of people like you, Dotty. In fact, I used to feel that way. Did I use to feel like, why? Here's something that used to happen to me. I get in visions that pop into my head. No, I'm not crazy. They just come into my head. And for years, I got the vision of myself speaking on a big stage with a few hundred people in the room. Every time, for years, I said, no, thank you. I pushed that away because like you, I was like, I don't wanna go through all that work. It takes work to be a good speaker. I don't wanna do all that. Well, I have subsequently decided
that I was getting that vision for a reason. Maybe it's so that I could teach
this work to speak with your body process and how to break free from the conditioning that has us not be the fullest expression of ourselves. But back to you in this, I work with entrepreneurs more than I work with speakers. I think all entrepreneurs need to be good at speaking. The more we can be authentically vibrant and allow our vibrancy to come through
when we're talking about what we do in networking events. I mean, certainly on big stages, but in networking events, then people are gonna pay attention more.

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