Nonverbal Communication : Facial Expressions

1 year ago

Would you like to know the six types of nonverbal communication?

I would love to.

Alright. So first is your face. Well, actually, yeah, facial expressions. Your smile is communicating to us. You're saying, yes, Kathryn. This would be fun. When we see someone's facial expression, we often interpret them in some way or another. I really encourage people if you have an interpretation of someone's facial expression to ask, it's really easy if you're intuitive to make an assumption of what that person's trying to say because you might have been really saying instead of, oh, I'm excited to hear. You might have been saying something like, Well, of course, I wanna hear, Kathryn. I don't know.
It's important to recognize that we're communicating with our nonverbals and the other person is and let's not assume anything is what I'm trying to say. So One is your facial expression.

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