Everyone Is Trying To Manipulate You

1 year ago

Everybody is trying to manipulate you,

This is what you must understand

As a full grown adult

Everyone is trying to manipulate you

All the time

Including me.

You have to understand

Do you think i have your internets at heart?

What am i trying to manipulate you into doing?

Well i want you to be stronger i’ve said that

I said you need to go train

I want you to make money & dedicate yourself

& not be lazy

& I want you to be happier.

I told you that i want my fans to win

This is what i truly believe &

I’m going to try & help you do that.

If you believe my intentions are pure

Then allow me to manipulate you

By all means.

Look on the other side,

If it’s not me who’s manipulating you?

The other youtubers?

The news?

The teachers?

You trust those people?


Everybody has an impact on you

Everyone is influencing you to some degree.

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