fun dog

2 years ago

Veterinarian Reveals the Five Dog Breeds He'd Never Choose
With the recent release of the film DC League of Super-Pets, animal owners have been sharing some of their favorite funny moments with their pets. Being a dog owner presents its own sets of challenges, but dogs are also some of the funniest animals out there.

TikTok is where most of this content is posted, with over 100 billion likes under the hashtag #Dog. There's plenty of content to keep viewers occupied for hours, here is a small selection of some of the funny dog content available.

Time For A Walk
It's a known fact that dogs love walks. Even saying the word can get the calmest of pets up in arms and excited to get going.

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This dog is no different. As the owners take it in turns to ask if she wants to go for a walk, she starts running around the room with excitement. Matched with her facial expressions, it's the funniest TikTok to perfectly capture what having a dog, and taking said dog for a walk, is really like.

Dramatic Dogs
Dogs aren't as well known for being dramatic compared to their counterparts, cats. However, most owners have stories about their dogs being overdramatic for no reason.

This TikTok shows an owner jokingly taking a bit out of his dog, to which the dog reacts by pulling a hilarious face. Clearly confused, the dog can't help but overreact as he looks at his owner for answers. Dogs have the best facial features for funny faces, and this is no exception.

Slow And Steady
With so many breeds of dogs out there, some are faster than others. "Sausage dogs" are notoriously slower than others, as is evident by this video.

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The owner is taking a handful of dogs for a walk, and everyone seems to be keeping up with each other until the camera pans and shows a sausage dog running along the path behind them at an adorably funny speed. To round it off, the dog is dressed fashionably in a weather appropriate coat.

Spoiled Dogs
It's no surprise that dog owners tend to spoil their dogs. Many have pointed out that their dogs are so spoiled that they wouldn't last a day without them. It's a given with most pet owners, part of owning a pet is spoiling them a ridiculous amount.

As pointed out by this TikTok, this owner treats his dog to many luxuries, including a specialty dog house and meals. It begs the question, how did dogs last so long with humans?

New Food
Trying new food is always a hit-and-miss for animals, no matter how appealing the food may look. There's no guarantee they're going to like it, or how they're going to react to it.

This dog, Apollo, can't make up his mind about the peas. His reaction is hilarious as his owner films him going back and forth between wanting to try more, or wanting to walk away. In the end, he decides that he doesn't like the vegetables, after a long-winded process.

Playing fetch is one of the best pass times for dogs, there's something about chasing a ball that gets them excited. This hilarious TikTok shows how far this dog is willing to go to fetch his favorite ball.

Paired with the caption "Me looking for my TV remote", it's a video that's funny to both dog owners and non owners alike. The way the dog throws himself into the sofa to fetch the ball takes most viewers by surprise, making for a hilarious video.

Just One Bite
Trying to sneak food is what dogs do best. Whenever someone is cooking or eating, dogs are usually close by, hoping to catch a piece of whatever their owner is eating.

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The dog in this TikTok has the cutest puppy eyes as he desperately tries to convince his owner to give him a bite of food. It's hard to say no to a dog, especially one with an equally cute and funny face like this.

Slippery Run
Golden Retrievers are known for their energy and big grins, and this dog brings both in this video.

The road is iced over, but this dog doesn't let that stop him from running to his owner. Barely able to keep his feet under him, there are a few times when it seems like he's going to lose balance and fall over, each time funnier than the last. He makes it however, with a massive stick in tow, probably wanting to play fetch even though he can barely stand up straight on the ice.

Unusual Facial Features
Dogs are the best entertainment, even more so when the pet parents are up for a good joke.

This TikTok shows one of the dog's owners confused, as everyone else in the room is laughing. When the camera pans over, it's revealed that someone drew heavy eyebrows on the dog, much to the dogs' confusion. It's a hilarious reveal, with everyone in the room unable to keep their laughter hidden. The eyebrows are certainly a striking, if unexpected, facial feature.

Giving Up
While dogs are usually determined, this dog has had enough. He's shown playing with his owner on the beach, but when his owner throws the ball a bit too hard, he gives up.

After an unsuccessful attempt to catch the ball, the dog simply rolls over and lies down. It's not only funny, but it's also relatable. Everyone has been in a position like this before where they just give up and accept their losses.

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