Trent on the Loos - September 30, 2022

2 years ago

Trent is in Bismarck, North Dakota at the Ignite Energy Council Annual Meeting.
First, Trent sits down with Mike Nasi of Jackson Walker Law Firm to discuss the legal, regulatory, and political aspects of America's energy industry.
Later, Trent is joined by Alex Epstein, author of Fossil Future, for a conversation about why fossil fuels are good for America's energy needs and the environment.

Episode 211

#TrentontheLoos #TrentLoos #Trent #Loos #BEKNews #BEK #EnergyIndustry #FossilFuels #GreenEnergy #SolarEnergy #MikeNasi #JacksonWalker #AlexEpstein #FossilFutureBook #LigniteEnergy #Lignite #Faith #Family #Freedom

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