Final Fantasy VII - New Threat 2.0 Type B #05 – Kalm Flashback and a Mysterious Ninja Appears

1 year ago

Outside of the Stronghold of Shinra, we make our way to Kalm where Cloud relives an event from long ago to the growing members of his party. We try not to embarrass him too much in his story but it gets more serious quickly but the tale ends mysteriously leaving many questions.

It’s been a long day though, and the group prepares to rest for the night when a notable character makes an appearance and we’re forced to give chase. And now we have a new party member in our pursuit.

Onward to track down Sephiroth, next up is the Chocobo Ranch and Mythril Mines.

Like, Share and Subscribe, and I’ll have the next part up soon. Thanks for Watching!


As I said in the first video I would list the mods I used.

The mods that I use in this play through are:

First is the 7th Heaven Mod Manager, makes it so much easier to get everything and order them correctly. Can get it from as well as a simple guide to set it all up.

Cosmo Memory
Finishing Touch
Modern Spell Names
Avalance Arisen Battle Textures
SYW V5 Battle Textures
SYW V5 Field Textures
Phoenix Tail Avatars
Enhanced Stock UI
+ Echo-S
Arranged Soundtrack
SYW V5 Minigames Textures
SYW V5 Spell Textures
SYW V5 Menu and Fonts
SYW V5 Worldmap Textures

NinoStyle Battle Models
NinoStyle Chibi Field Models
New Threat 2.0
Chibi FMV Replacement
NinoStyle Bike Minigame Models
Gameplay Tweaks – Qhimm Catalog
NinoStyle – minigames
NinoStyle – Vehicles

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