BURN AETNA’S every negative word in the books HEALTH RELATED COMMERCIALS and ADS TO HELL

2 years ago

“By the power of the one and only almighty God and my personal lord and savior Jesus Christ as my witnesses along with the 99% of us being truly positive, patriotic and law-abiding, Godly Christian, conservative republican citizens, we will force Aetna and all other big pharma companies to STOP promoting blatant every negative word in the books LIES about anything health related especially the c19 death jab and we will hold them accountable so their mass genocide will finally come to an end no matter what! FUCK YOU AETNA, YOU ARE DEAD WRONG, YOU ARE A LIAR, THE CDC, WHO, FDA, HHS, NIH, CIA, NSA, FBI, DOD, DOJ, IRS, the Associated Press, the Ad Council, Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson, AstraZeneca, Jansen, Abbvie, Ironwood, Gilead, Genentech along with all other alphabet and big pharma agencies ARE CORRUPT TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS, THE FLU SHOT DOES CAUSE AUTISM, IT WILL GIVE YOU THE FLU, IT has NEVER been anything related to safe and effective and IT WILL SERIOUSLY INJURE and KILL YOU, just SHUT THE HELL UP already you bastards! Also, the entire death jab supply will be incinerated and burned because it is actually killing people like the over 2 million real people it’s already killed just in the United States alone in only one year along with the millions of injuries it’s caused, the fake, fraudulent and failed 97% false positive PCR test will be banned and burned, the masks will also be burned, all of the c19 death jab commercials and ads that are shoved in our faces through the TV, Internet, Radio, Newspaper, Billboards, Signs, Posters and all other forms of media especially from the vaccines .gov, vaccinateyourfamily .org, uptheantibodies .com, letsgetchecked .com, betterhelp .com, Walgreens, CVS and all other websites that keep calling these shots safe and effective when they clearly are NOT and never have been will be permanently DELETED, blocked and blacklisted and everyone responsible for this entire c19 scamdemic and all other crimes against humanity such as the Biden regime and fake Dr. Anthony Fauci to name a few will be indicted, tried, fried and hanged in front of the United States capital building before or after the rapture no matter what because God and Jesus Christ already won and they’ve been in control of everything since the beginning of time. Anyway, please visit JesusSavesHumanity.com for more on the activism side of my life, thanks for watching and reading and peace out.”

My Activism Post - https://bit.ly/3jHOIkv
My Activism Post BACKUP - https://bit.ly/3Nff2xX
My Activism Compilation #1 - https://bit.ly/3D9K6JS
My Activism Compilation #2 - https://bit.ly/3wa2r9V
Death Jab Data - https://bit.ly/369H7Dt
Legal Notice Form - https://bit.ly/3hY2wWC
Stop The WHO - https://bit.ly/38vuszw
Save Georgia - https://bit.ly/3wqXnOe
The Truth About Ukraine - https://bit.ly/3i6NQ7a
Ultimate Proof The Death Jab is Illegal & Evil - https://bit.ly/3DaCoRA
The Real Truth Behind The Toxic Train Derailment in Ohio - https://bit.ly/3S50Fjh
Let’s Go Brandon Rally - https://bit.ly/3HSiFa0
Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy Protest #1 - https://bit.ly/3CDNa2y
Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy Protest #2 - https://bit.ly/3skARn1
Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy Protest #3 - https://bit.ly/3I9Uk0i
Plan to Destroy The Globalists Media - https://bit.ly/3IiQEJz
My Merch Store - https://bit.ly/33JEd7U

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