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1 year ago

Why do Christians take their own Life!?
See if this answers the question!

Hey, folks check this out!
He who created Heaven and Earth and ALL that dwell on the Earth created before the Foundation of the World. Psalms 24:1-2 Colossians 1 John 1 Eph 1
Creates His Family Adam and Eve in His Image and Likeness in a Love sharing Relationship. Gen 1:26-27 2:7
Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden believe Satan's Lies Gen 3 (Adams Choice Romans 5:12) and are Sold under Sin. (God lost His Family, Temple) to Satan Romans 7:14 John 8:44
Jesus of Nazareth, Son of the Living God dies on His Cross in 33 AD. to buy and purchased His People back from Satan to restore His Love RELATIONSHIP Adam lost in the Garden. (Gods Family, Temple) 1Peter 1
As the Bible (God's Owners Manual) and history records, nothing could stop God and His family from growing! Book of Acts
Acts 11:26 1Peter1
From Moses and the killing of the Hebrew babies in Egypt to Herod, the Great King of Juda ordered the killing of male Jewish children 2 yrs and under trying to kill baby Jesus.
So please consider what happened next that still is happening Today!
-Constantine Emperor of Rome could not kill God's People so he planned to control God's people with a soft war...
much like Trojan Horse, a GMO in food but an SMO ..Spiritually Modified Word 1Tim 1 Col 2
Here is his plan:
In 313 AD. Constantine starts the Christian RELIGION ( a form of Godliness, a Strong Delusion that they won't be saved} by issuing the Edict of Milan (His Brand of being a Christian, by declaring He is now a Christian,

Assumed the Identity as Gods People)
Do the math!! From the Cross of Jesus in 33AD to 313AD,
313-33= 280 years Satan's plan to murder God's people after they were born wasn't working so well.
Did Constantine commit spiritual fraud against God's people an identity fraud against Jesus Christ? Absolutely!! Matt 7:21-27 2 Thess.2
Constantine (Son of Perdition)under Satan's control 2 Thess 2 starts a Born Again Birth Control program!!
Watch it unfold:
He Overlaid or Exchanged:
Jesus of Nazareth for With Jesus of Rome. The falling away from Truth started in Gal 3
The Cross of Christ, His red bloody tree for the Christ Mas tree the green tree.Acts 5:30 13:29 Gal 3:13 1 John 3:14 12:32-33 Peter 2:24
Jeremiah 10
The Saviour's Joy for a season of joy. John 17 Heb.12:2
Dying on the Cross with Jesus to wearing a cross about Jesus Gal 2:20
Bearing your cross to wearing a cross.
Luke 9:23-25 14:27
Living in His Kingdom in 24/7 Worship to Going to a place, a time, a building to Worship/service John 4 Luke 17:20-21 John 2 19-22 1Cor 3:16-23 and 6:19-20
BEING the Church to going to church.
Building of God not made with hands (only His Nail Prints) for the buildings of wood and stone, ideas of men with blueprints made by
men's hands! Acts 7 1 Cor 1-3 chapter 6
Matt 16:13-20 Rev21
Receiving Jesus to Accepting Jesus John 1-3
Religion for Relationship
From 313 till today 2022 is 1,742 years God's people are in Captivity, have been LIED to, and have been led to assume the identity of a BRAND of Christian Faith that can't SAVE your soul!
My Brand I was building as a Preacher was -Southern Baptist Started in 1845 in August Georiga by slaveholders, White Supremacists!!
I Confessed it as sin, as I was lied to, received His forgiveness,1John1:9 repented, and turned to Jesus of Nazareth.. Matt 13 I came out... and went into His Rest .. Will YOU!!
The Owners Manuel declares All religions start in Babylon.. Rev18 Come out of her My People and Come into My Rest Heb4
What is your FAITH... If It's Not Like Precious Faith 2 Peter 1 the FAITH OF JESUS Gal 2:20 Hebrews 12:2 it's a LIE!

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