Second Harvest: Witches Thanksgiving/ Fall Equinox

1 year ago

Recorded live on my Facebook page Solitary Coventry 9-27-22

Six months after the Sun crosses the equator, marking the Spring Equinox, during which the hours of night and day are equal in length, on the Autumn Equinox the Sun once again crosses the equator. Again, the amount of time for day and night is equal in length. At the earlier Equinox the Sun crossed the equator while the days grew longer and the nights shorter. Now, on the Autumn Equinox, the nights continue to grow longer and the days shorter. This year Autumn Equinox is on Thursday, September 22, 2022 CE (Thor’s Day, Shedding 22, 2272 RE), at 9:04 pm EDT, 8:04 pm CDT, 7:04 pm MDT, 6:04 pm PDT. In modern times Autumn Equinox has come to mark the end of Summer and the beginning of Fall.

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