Ivan Tuttle - My Journey to Heaven, Hell, and Back, Part 1

2 years ago

In 1978, Ivan Tuttle was living a carefree life, going from one party to the next, from one high to another—when his fun, free life was interrupted by a pain in his leg.

Doctors told him he had a dangerous blood clot in his leg—but Ivan didn’t pay much attention to that. He was 26 and felt fine; blood clots were a problem for his grandfather, not him. Until the clock ran out.

Ivan Tuttle suddenly found himself dragged down to hell for a horrifying lesson in the reality of eternity. He was spared and even saw Heaven before being sent back to earth with quite a story to tell.

Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

►A Journey to Hell, Heaven, and Back: https://amzn.to/3SH2YZa

Watch more episodes here: https://www.destinyimage.tv/engaging-the-supernatural-with-shaun-tabatt

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