放鬆的心靈音樂|Relaxing Music • Sleep Music,Relaxing Music, Meditation Music★48

2 years ago


What is the concept of stress?
The concept of pressure refers to the force acting perpendicular to the unit area of ​​the fluid or solid interface. The definition of stress is divided into two fields: mental and physical. The physical definition has objective properties and refers to the force acting vertically on the unit area of ​​the fluid or solid interface. From a psychological point of view, stress is a combination of psychological stressors and psychological stress responses. A cognitive and behavioral experience process.
Meaning of the concept of stress
Pressure is the negative feelings and negative beliefs that arise when a person feels that he cannot cope with the requirements of the environment. In physics, the force that presses vertically on an object is called pressure. The direction of the pressure is perpendicular to the contact surface. The force you experience is called stress, and stress is conceptually a state of tension.
When a person's ability to cope with the outside world cannot be balanced with the requirements of the society for him, people will have a sense of pressure, the environment or the requirements of the society for us, we cannot change this factor, and our requirements for ourselves. We have our own goals, and when our goals are too large and our abilities cannot be achieved, we will be under pressure.
What is stress?
Example: We should be considerate of his difficulties and not put too much pressure on him.
1. My parents are very open-minded and never put too much pressure on me.
2. We will never succumb to any external pressure.
3. Facing the entrance examination, the students are under great pressure.

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