Dangerous broken canopy limb

2 years ago

First trip up to work on this badly storm-damaged maple.

Once I got up into the tree I could see the fibers were all torn away. The limb (over my head) was just resting there and was ready to roll right off.

Worse as I worked my way up and had to remove some small branches off it it rolled forward and I almost lost it.

I kept my focus however and literally held it in place with one hand while I tied a runner I'm place to the stem to keep it from rolling off.

Then headed to the top and set a couple runners to the same stem to keep it in place.

Unfortunately I broke my pole saw while piecing some had to head out to find a replacement blade but secured the limb so it'd be safe overnight. ( I removed the rest of the limb earlier today and will upload that video tomorrow)

This one's the first climb up and the moment when I almost lost it along with tying it to the stem.

A bit scary moment for a minute or two there but all good.

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