Motion Design- Going from Beginner to Intermediate

2 years ago

00:00 intro
00:38 setting up 3D enabled layers
00:49 Gizmo- anchor point on a 3d layer
1:41 Adding a camera to your 3D scene
1:50 Focal length explained
2:45 Aperture and Focal Distance
3:15 Iris Shape and how it affects blur quality
4:16 Dragging Art into Project Panel to import
4:31 Creative use of Parallax, 2.5D layers
5:34 Effect: Extract- used to remove parts of image based off of light and dark values
6:20 Blending modes Screen & Multiply
7:54 setting up layers for Parallax
8:42 Camera Setting: FStop
8:52 Laying out the layers in 3D space for Parallax
9:28 The Camera Control Tools in toolbar
10:52 Keyframing Camera for zoom into the scene
11:03 Adding a light into the 3D scene
11:28 Fine Tuning Lihgt Settings once it is in the scene
11:48 Material Options for a layer, Cast Shadows
12:11 Moving a Light in your 3D scene
12:31 Adding a Parallel Light to your Scene
14:12 Animating Camera - 2 different ways
15:47 Clean up- fixing scale and position once cameras are moved
16:01 Adding a Wiggle Expression to the Spotlight to have it flickering
17:49 Adjusting Aperture and Focus Distance for Camera once scene is animated
18:46 Experiment with the values and parameters of effects, lights and layers
19:37 Talking through how to push this animation further
20:20 Trim paths- multiple ways to execute motion
20:51 Converting a text layer to shapes in After Effects
21:14 how to Shy a layer
22:53 Using Offset to adjust where trim path motion begins
23:37 The pro way to do Trim Paths
25:26 Using Trim Path as an Alpha Matte to draw on thick and thin and keep any texture as well
26:56 Deep Dive into Path Stroke options
27:42 Stroke - Line Caps
28:11 Stroke - Line Join
28:3- Stroke: Taper
28:45 Stroke: Add Dashes
29:35 Stroke: Wave
29:55 Time Expression on Phase of Wave setting
30:33 Shape layers and pen tool - single layer vs multiple layer
31:07 Shape Layer: Add: Merge Paths
31:41 Masks: animating path, feathering, expand/contract
33:50 Mask Feather pen tool
36:06 Parenting
37:52 Using a Null Object to control a camera with Parenting
39:22 Camera motion tips
40:54 Alpha Matte vs Luma Matte vs Luma Invert Matte
47:49 Alpha Matte vs Alpha Invert Matte, Flythrough like Stranger Things
51:27 Kerning in After Effects
51:54 Masking Animated Text vs using an Alpha Matte
56:07 Alpha Invert Matte with only 2 layers- what happens
56:40 Lab Time

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