Delusions Of Grandeur - Part 1 The Scientific Skeptic

2 years ago

A while ago, we started researching the chameleon behavior criminal support groups use on the internet to see if there was a correlation between them wearing a mask and projecting themselves as good moral people and role models. Saviors of the universe, so to speak, while creating fake personas, narratives, and so forth, never revealing their true identity and self. You know, professional victims are made within the mind of the offenders. "It was her fault."

As a simple example, we wanted to see how much deception impacted Real Criminal Investigations and murder victims like 20-year-old Morgan Ingram and others.

The criminal mind and tactics employed are fascinating, deceptive, pure evil, and very complex, as my good friend, and Doctor of forensic psychology, Dr. Larry Simmons, says.

Like the Web and Fly poem, they weave into the stream of consciousness of thought in a fluid state while using social media tools available today on the internet.

Specifically, a delusion of grandeur is a person’s belief that they are someone other than who they are, such as a supernatural figure, a celebrity, Doctor, or scientist. A delusion of grandeur may also be a belief that they have special abilities, possessions, or powers.

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