Neurochastity Making Love to Life

1 year ago

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"Manhood Mastery: The 3 Secrets to Neuro-Masculine Training"

One of the weird things I realized as a porn addiction recovery coach was that how much traditional sexual morals applied to the management of neurochemicals as a whole.

Let me explain:

Traditional sexual morals basically make the case that if you want to have the most satisfying and universally prosperous sexual relationship over a long period of time... then you should put all of your sexual energy into a committed marriage.

If you were to let any of your sexual energy leak out into "sinful" lustful behavior like pornography, masturbation, fornication (sleeping around), infidelity etc. then the idea is that you would not only suffer pain from these actions, but you would also rob yourself of the deeply sacred and beautiful fulfillment that a life of chaste behavior could offer.

From my own experiences and what I've gathered from others, this is 100% true.

Now what if instead of just regular sexual chastity we created an analog called "neurochastity" where we concern ourselves with the wielding of our neurochemicals.

The idea is that your neurochemicals should be "wed" to the pursuit of your highest conception of goodness, and any wayward ("sinful") behavior would be akin to an act of neurochemical adultery that would cause you to suffer.

As far as I can tell, this is also an accurate take on things.

Any time you start pursuing dopamine hits via low-value escapism, you are "cheating" on your purpose in life.

Not only does this neuro-adultery make the pursuit of your purpose feel less satisfying, less motivating, and bear less fruit, it can trap you in patterns of escapism and addiction that bring you down into hell.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is that instead of slutting around tossing your energy at low value escapist behaviors, you need to be picking out the most beautiful reality you can conceive of, woo it, devote yourself to it, make love to it, and impregnate it with your will.

To do anything else is just sad and wasteful.

However, making this shift is downright IMPOSSIBLE if you just follow the path of the average guy. If you want to learn exceptional methods to become an exceptional man, then check out my Manhood Mastery training and join the Self-Mastery Club:

Mark Queppet

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