Update on Australia's Optus Data Breach

1 year ago

Australia's Optus Data Breach - it was ugly:
Optus notifies customers of cyberattack compromising customer information
28 September 2022
Optus update on Medicare - 28.09.2022 PM

Of the 9.8 million customer records exposed, we have identified 14,900 valid Medicare ID numbers that have not expired. All of the customers who have a Medicare card that is not expired will be contacted within 24 hours. There are a further 22,000 expired Medicare card numbers exposed. Out of an abundance of caution they will also be contacted directly over the next couple of days.

Please be assured that people cannot access your Medicare details with just your Medicare number. If you are concerned or have been affected, you can replace your Medicare card as advised by Services Australia.

Our call centres will not have further information to assist on this matter. We are in contact with Services Australia and we will be letting all affected customers know the guidance on the steps they can take.

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