Comma Butterfly

2 years ago

A Comma butterfly feeding on the Ivy .In old irish the name was Dalán Dé(fire of the gods)much like the progenitor god -Dagdae of the tuatha Dé Danann/Domnann(people of the goddess Danae/Danoe/Dana/Diana -venus -fir domnann or Dumnonii).Many say Dagda meant good god but it actually means God of Fire ,one who was also known as a god of fire here was - Úlcáin/Bolgan(Vulcan/Volga Fir Volg/Bolg-men of the goddess Bolga/Volga or commonly know as 'men of bags/bellows ie -smiths and miners/iron workers .who i be/ieve are the Belgic and Steppe tribes from the Caucasus mts that came here via Hellenic Greece/Anatolia(R1B1).Also people believed the butterfly was the soul of a dead loved one transitioning from the body to the spirit realm or otherworld.The fire of Bél/Bal, Beal-taine a festival on May 1st that marked the beginning of the summer and harvest season and ended with Halloween(31st of Oct) or known here as Samhain-1st of Nov (pronounced - Sah-wen/Sow(like a pig sow ) -wen) from the root word Sám meaning the sun(Samradh-Sow-rah-summer,Sam-Ar=summer ploughing/food rent) Sam-ain-summer end/sun is departed ,This denoted the end of the harvesting season and preparation for the long winter when the fires of bél were lit at Uisneach the central district of the 5 provinces in Ireland at the time and then the druids lit all the subsequent fires across the country from this one flame .It was prohibited for many yrs to harm white butterflies as they were seen as the souls of children who had passed on .

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