Nail Shape Personality Test: Your Nails Reveals Your True Personality Traits

2 years ago

Nail Shape Personality Test: Do you have long nails? Or wide nails? Or square-shaped nails? Or almond-shaped nails? or round nails? What does your nail shape say about your personality?

Nail Shape Personality Test: Let us uncover some fascinating psychological facts about how does nail shape depict the personality of a person. Today, we explore the link between nail shape and personality. Let us ask you some questions: Do you have long nails? Or wide nails? Or square-shape nails? Or almond-shape nails? In this nail shape personality test, we tell you what your nails say about your personality.
Personality Tests are a super tool to learn about yourself, your likes or dislikes, preferences, how you think, gauge your emotional intelligence, and also your IQ levels. These tests are designed scientifically to pry deep into your psychological makeup, and emotional and rational thought processes, and ascertain those deep, hidden personality traits that we often suppress over the years since our birth. Owning yourself and being your true you is vital to becoming a success.

Most often we forget what our passion is, what we should be doing rather than what we are doing. Add to that, finding your true tribe and people who will stick by you during not only your good times but also bad times is also an added bonus. But, when we are not true to ourselves and lose sight of our uniqueness, we often end up feeling more drained and lost. Hence, we bring these personality tests to help find the true you so that you can live the highest version of yourself in your work, friendships, relationships, family, and overall journey of life.
Let’s get to the fun part. Look at your nails to find out what nail shape says about your personality.
Nail Shape Personality Test: What does your nail shape say about your personality?
If you have Long Nails, your personality traits reveal that you are highly creative, imaginative, and meticulous. You tend to be calm, independent, and pragmatic. Your right brain is more developed than your left brain. You however can also act rational in situations that require you to be logical. You are usually soft-tempered but sometimes you get overwhelmed which makes you either shut off or lose your cool. You absorb your surroundings a bit more than the average person. You should work on developing self-control to avoid showing excessive emotions in adverse situations. You are attentive to little details. You could have trouble getting along with people who are extremely practical. You may be trusting or a believer of happy endings which at times gives mean people to hurt you. You are highly romantic. You are not everywhere but you have good social skills. You are a charmer too. You love being in control. You are intelligent and egoistic. Though you have an eye for spotting an opportunity. You love luxury and enjoy the attention. You will weigh both sides of a matter before taking any decision. If you take up something or come into a relationship, you feel a sense of responsibility in everything you do. In bitter situations, you can be selfish and narrow-minded.
இந்த எண்ணெயில் நாம் பச்சை கற்பூரம் சேர்த்திருக்கின்றோம். பச்சை கற்பூரம் உங்கள் தலையில் வரும் பொடுகை, இன்ஃபெக்ஷனை தடுப்பதற்கு உதவியாக இருக்கும். உங்களுக்கு பொடுகு இல்லை. பேன் தொல்லை இல்லை என்றால் இந்த பச்சை கற்பூரத்தை நீங்கள் இந்த குறிப்பில் சேர்க்காமல் ஸ்கிப் செய்து கொள்ளலாம். அது நம்முடைய விருப்பம் தான். ஆனால் மேம்பாளம் பட்டை, விளக்கெண்ணெய், தேங்காய் எண்ணெய், கட்டாயம் சேர்த்து இந்த சிவப்பு எண்ணெயை தயார் செய்து வைத்துக் கொள்ளுங்கள். வளராத முடி கூட சீக்கிரத்தில் வளர்வதை கண்கூடாக காணலாம். உங்களுக்கு இந்த குறிப்பு பிடிச்சிருந்தா ட்ரை பண்ணி பாருங்க.

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