Is Big Insurance the Big Bad Wolf of Healthcare?

1 year ago

This episode provides a peek behind the curtain of big insurance, the vast amount of control they possess over the healthcare system, and how this ultimately heavily influences patient care and outcomes.

Reality check - how is the U.S. doing in terms of healthcare, compared to other developed nations?
- U.S. maternal death rate is higher than any other developed country and has been rising since 2000:
- Same with infant mortality, which is 71% higher than the comparable country average:,000%20live%20births,%202017
- Other not-so-promising stats:

Buckle up for a tour of what big insurance controls, how they do it, and the systems that determine what kind of care you can get.

We’ll also take the time machine back to the onset of the opioid epidemic and how the same playbook is still implemented today. Because I can’t make it through a full episode without harping on Big Pharma, too…

#healthcaresystem #bigpharma #opioidaddiction

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