Nano Plasmonic - It’s everywhere

1 year ago

After the intro, scroll to about 1:25. Also I filtered the rain water with 6 coffee filters first and it's from a picture of the picture from the video I first produced from the rain on the mirror. There is so much of this stuff everywhere, even though I cleaned the magnifying glass, there is still some on it, and that's likely where most of the new images are coming from. Regardless they are the same images I have seen from all my samples.
Dumped by a semi or passenger vehicle near you! Look for the marked headlights and limo black window tint. It was created by filtering 1 litre of rain water with 6 coffee filters, then boiling until about 20-30 ml are left, you will notice its very yellow, all my samples all over western Canada this last 10 months look identical in the glass or vile, but under the microscope they are different with just a few similar images. It's because it copies things, so what ever else may be in the rain sample, it copies. The best way is by letting the concentrate dry (or not) on a mirror and by going into a dark room so you don't give it anything to copy, then you can see some things. The small two inch glass magnifying glass works best, better than my 6" plastic that I purchased, probably something to do with light frequencies they are using. Twist the magnifying glass back and forth because they are literally bending light around some objects as just one part of the cloaking they are using. They also copied what the Octopus uses and thats how it's able to evade light microscopes, the stuff blends into everything else. I wish I was wrong, I really do, but I have spent hundreds of hours observing this because I noticed the snow wasn't reflecting my headlights or light in general last winter. Many many other phenomenon I noticed, like wet roads with no clouds because they dump it right on the highways in liquid form. Other methods I believe are by dumping it into their tail pipes because it can handle high temperature for short durations and turns into a vapour. Lots of different technology here, but I am certain borophene produced from boron is the primary one. I believe they also created micro nuclear diamond batteries to power it all and I believe that was the most recent technology breakthrough. I believe it came when a group were trying to create a fusion reaction differently than all the others. One way man made diamonds are manufactured are by putting methane from natural gas into a chamber and using microwaves to turn the carbon in the methane (Ch4) into the diamonds. This group was firing man made diamonds that first used irradiated methane (possibly from nuclear waste as several articles state), and firing them at each other at extreme velocity to create pulsed fusion reactions. My theory is that during the experiments, someone got a shock and they discovered that the nuclear energy inside a diamond produces voltage similar to the piezo electric effect from a quartz crystal that is cut the right way. I won't explain how it works here, but they have used it in all sorts of technology for decades, such as pressure sensing, clocks, and others.
I hope Rumble lets me upload this, it's been a couple of days and it's not up yet.

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