Bears: Native Grandmother Rocks the Ottawa Women's March! Kelly Fraser, Standing Rock, Nahko

1 year ago

This is a mix of video courtesy of @PatrickisNavajo on YouTube, an Elder who is one of a handful who have been living in the bush since being exiled throughout the scamdemic from their own communities because of the corruption in tribal leadership, a clip from The Ottawa Women's March via @KennanSonOfEnos ("Fields of God," Sting), followed by a heartbreaking video of Kelly Fraser, a young Inuit woman who was a rising star and took her own life due to online bullying, singing "Diamonds" in her native language, Inuktitut - wrapped up with "Love Letters to God," by Nahko and Medicine for the People from the 2016 Standing Rock video showing Obama's hired globalist army assaulting American citizens with military riot gear.

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