Why This Painting Means So Much to Me

1 year ago

I'm standing here in front of this picture because I really just kind of want to tell you a little story. This right here is Einstein. It's actually painted by an artist named David Garibaldi. He paints it upside down. This one was painted in 2018 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He's a performance artist. He's fucking awesome. But what I want to talk about is kind of like how this painting came to be.

Like, obviously, this is an original. It's not a cheap painting. I paid a decent amount of money for it a couple of years ago, and the value has gone up pretty tremendously, which is great. But what's really cool is about s###. I guess it's been 12 years ago, 12 years ago, I moved to Raleigh, North Carolina. I was trying to get out of the car business and I took a job as a door to door salesman.

Right. So I was knocking technically not really knocking. I was soliciting the business and is trying to sell them prints of artwork. So that's where this comes into place, right? So I was trying to sell prints of this particular artist, this Einstein for like $40, $50, $60 bucks. And I was literally going door to door, knocking on them, trying to sell them.

You know, two pieces are here. Three pieces are here. I was making like $17 every time I sold a piece of art. And hopefully in a day, you know, you sell out, you sell 40 pieces, you make $500 bucks, you go home. You call it a day. But I loved this artist and I loved the Einstein, right? So I looked up and I was like, well, you know, how much is an original?

An original? At the time, I think it was going to cost me like $3,000 to be able to get the Einstein that I actually wanted. And fast forward about ten years later, I was actually able to kind of change my whole life, man. I started to find some success. I started to get some money. And when I actually got some money, one of the first things that I purchased was this piece of art.

So that's kind of the story behind the Einstein. It means so much to me, but ultimately the reason why I mean so much is because I set a goal. A long time ago, I was like, Man, I love it. I had it in the back of my mind. I was gonna one day I want to have a nice house and I want to have that painting hanging in my house.

But I have one of the originals. I'm going to be super excited about it. And there is not a day that goes by that I don't pass this and think back on that thought. And also there's plenty of times where, you know, I pour myself on bourbon. I sit in front of this piece of art and I'll just stare at it, especially like, you know, I've got some different LED lights that change colors.

And when the lights hit this differently, it really, really, really changes the way that it looks. So it's pretty cool. But yeah, you got to have a goal and sometimes you never know when you're going to accomplish that goal, right? Sometimes it sounds like it's super silly, like, oh, you know, I want to have an original of this piece of art I was selling, right?

Or if you're selling cars and you're you're like, oh, man, one day I'm going to have, you know, a brand new Mustang or one day I am going to have brand new Corvette or one day And I have this, you know, whatever Ferrari or whatever it is. Like you see these cars and you say these things or you see this product and you say these things, but it doesn't necessarily feel real well.

One day it will come true if you just keep keep your head up, keep your keep grinding, and you'll you'll be able to get your Einstein.


#goals #settinggoals #dreams #davidgaribaldi #einstein #painting #7social #entrepreneur #thinkbig

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