09.18.22 "Don't Give Up"

1 year ago

We’ve all felt it from time to time – the desire to quit. I have felt it. There have been times in the CMC’s 35 plus, year history when it all just seemed not to be working, when the money coming in wasn’t matching the bills, when our extensively trained staff (with our time and our money) left us suddenly, when people said harsh derogatory things about me, and when some I felt were professional colleagues seemed to be actively working against me. I didn’t give up. There were times those who were near and dear to me seemed to pull their support away, tried to convince others that I was leading everybody astray, and that my interpretation of ACIM was not just wrong, but dangerous. "You who are sometimes sad and sometimes angry, who sometimes feel your just due is not given you and your best efforts meet with lack of appreciation and even contempt, give up these foolish thoughts. They are too small and meaningless to occupy your holy minds an instant longer." (OrEd.Mn.15.4) Don’t give up. Join us on Sunday and reaffirm your own commitment to your Spirit guided goals. 27 min. SUBSCRIBE & SHARE

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