"The Sunseeker" Ship Showcase - Dual Universe

1 year ago

In this video I tour and fly The Sunseeker, a ship reincarnated from 2 original ships, and 1 original concept*.

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*Origin Story:
The ships both named "Sunseeker", one from Empyrion Galactic Survival, a prebuild, designed for exploration, and the second, named after the former, for its similar desire to explore Helios. The Original DU Sunseeker was built to be in kind similar to both the Anaconda and Python from Elite Dangerous, but was quite "boxy" in nature. It tried to grapple with the limitations of the pre-vertex tool era, and my highly limited expertise at building such large creations.

Growing restless after completing the Phoenix, I started working on the 3rd concept: originally supposed to be a rocket-based PvP ship or freighter, I created the rocket housing seen on The Sunseeker as seen in the video. After many months of stalling, I merged the two ships into 1 concept, and completed the ship a mere day before the beta ended, reaching to the skies for 1 last Flight Sequence before waving goodbye to that era.

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