The Origins of the Fourth World War – J.R. Nyquist – Chapter 3.2: East & West

2 years ago


Jeff Nyquist's book, the Origins of the Fourth World War, is a brilliant result of long term and very professional geo-political research and analysis. His book is based on real facts and information connected with current international developments. Without any exaggerations, it's possible to compare the results of Jeff's work with an intelligence agency or a serious think tank's research and analysis during many months. His book is very important for the national security of America and needs to be used for the protection of the United States from current and prospective dangers.


20 Whittaker Chambers, Wimess (New York: Random House, 1952), p. 9.

21 lbid.. p. 25.

22 Mao Tse-Tung and Lin Piao, ed. K. Fan (New York, 1972), p. 11.

23 tbid., p. 233.

24 Ibid., pp. 237 - 243.

25 lbid., p. 230.

26 Ibid., p. 5.

27 Ibid., p. 4.

28 The Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (1975-1982) (Beijing, 1984), pp. 319-320.

29 Ibid., p. 321

30 Ibid., p. 386 - 395.

31 James Burnham, The War We Are In: The Last Decade Arlington House, 1967), p. 294.

32 lbid. p. 320.

33 Thid.p. 328-333

34 Joseph Finder, Red Carpet (Fort Worth, Texas: The American Bureau of Economic Resear 1987). pp. 118 - 121.

35 » My sources for Golitsyn's activities are: Edward J. Epstein, Deception: The Invisible Wor Between the KGB and CIA (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1989) and Peter Wright. Spycatcher the Candid Autobiography of a Senior Intelligence Officer (New York: Dell Publishing, 1988). For details on Gaitskell's death, see Epstein, pp. 80-82 and Wright, pp. 455-38

36 Epstein, Deception, p. 287

37 Golitsyn, New Lies for Old, p. 334-341

38 Machiavelli, The Prince, trans. George Bull (Great Britain: Penguin Books, 1985), p. 101. Jy Mikhail Gorbachev. Perestroika: New Thinking for Our Country and the world Harper & Row, 1987), p. 201..

#SovietUnion #Geopolitics #History

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