Why I Charge My Clients Stripe & Conversion Fees & How It's Costing You At Least $150k/year

2 years ago

In this video I show you exactly why I charge my clients Stripe fees , how it is costing you $150k+/year and 3 alternatives to make life easier for yourself and your clients.

My name is Lotfi & I'm the founder of Leapa where we help e-learning client based businesses build profitable client acquisition systems to scale to 7/8 figures.

You can learn more here: https://go.leapa.com/

Video Transcript

Why I Charge My Clients Stripe & Conversion Fees & how’s costing you at least $150k/year not to do this + 3 alternatives.

- The main reason is leakage - your business is literally leaking money with every transaction for alternatives that have less leakage.

- This works best if you’re doing high ticket & phone sales.

- I recently looked at some $5k payments i was receiving on Stripe & was literally paying upwards of $500 per $5k payment, which is ridiculous - essentially 10% in fees.

- 3% loss very month , you’re already paying taxes so why pay more in tax.

- This can be reinvested into making the client experience better or getting more clients. You can use that extra money for ads & to hire more people etc. If you’re getting a 3-4x ROI on ads, it could be an extra $5-$10k/month that you can make depending on how much you put back into it.

- e.g if you’re doing $10k/month , that’s an extra $300/month or so that you’re missing out on. If it’s an extra $100k/year you make, that’s $3k or more you’re paying in fees. At $1m/year , that’s $30k+ in fees.

### **3 ways to combat this.**

1. Add the 3% fee in the invoice every time

2. Have your clients pay in crypto - ideally stablecoins - always instantly convert into your local currency - Kraken Exchange

3. Use recurring crypto services e.g MonarchPay /Coingate

4. Set your clients up with a direct debit plan e.g GoCardLess

5. Have your clients send you a bank transfer (TransferWise)

6. If you’re doing high volumes, you can negotiate with Stripe etc for lower fees.

7. Custom plan with merchant for lowest fees.

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