放鬆的心靈音樂|Relaxing Music • Sleep Music,Relaxing Music, Meditation Music★45

2 years ago


What is stress? to give a few examples
Conceptually, stress is a state of tension. When a person's ability to cope with the outside world cannot be balanced with the demands of society, a person will experience a sense of stress.
In simple and popular terms, it is the requirements of the environment for us and our requirements for ourselves. When our ability or methods cannot meet these requirements, pressure is formed.
Stress comes from two factors:
The environment or the demands of society on us, we cannot change this factor.
Our demands on ourselves. We have our own goals, and when our goals are too large and our abilities cannot be achieved, we will be under pressure.
In this era, we all have stress. I read an article saying that stress is a disease. The article said that the symptoms of early stress are: slight headache, occasional insomnia, in the doctor's words, this situation is sub-health, no need rule.
The symptoms in the mid-term are: under the premise that no one is forcing you to work, you still understand that you have to work hard. In the words of the doctor, this is a heart disease, and you need to take care of it slowly.
The symptoms in the late stage are: people are used to the disease, have no desire for treatment, are young, but feel that life is meaningless and have no rush.
stress concept
1. Physical pressure: refers to the force that occurs on the contact surfaces of two objects, or the vertical force of a gas on the surface of a solid and a liquid, or the vertical force of a liquid on the surface of a solid. Traditionally, in mechanics and most engineering disciplines, the word "pressure" is synonymous with pressure in physics.
Generation mechanism:
The pressure on a solid surface is usually the result of elastic deformation and is generally a contact force. The pressure on the surfaces of liquids and gases is usually the result of gravity and molecular motion.
The direction of action of the pressure is usually perpendicular to the contact surface of the object. If pressure is observed to act in a direction that is not perpendicular to the contact surface, it is usually due to the combined effect of pressure and friction.
2. Psychological stress: Stress is a cognitive and behavioral experience process composed of psychological stressors and psychological stress responses. Stress is a foreign word derived from the Latin "stringere", which means pain.

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