September 27, 2022

1 year ago

As the Post WWII Healing Revival reached full steam and many new “prophet” ministries were being created by the Voice of Healing / Latter Rain movement, William Branham introduced new theology to protect their stage personas. William Branham strongly disagreed with 1 John 4 and Deuteronomy 18 and created theology in direct opposition to those and similar passages: Instead of heeding the Biblical instructions to test the prophets, Branham introduced theology of damnation for doing so.

This wasn’t enough, however, because many people in his audience knew this doctrine to be anti-biblical. To counter their attempts to test Branham’s use of “prayer cards”, Branham decided to re-imagine God with narcissistic tendencies. He claimed that people who wrote incorrect information on the card to test his ability were struck down by God for testing him (Branham).

In one particular story, Branham claimed that a man was struck down, paralyzed and carried out by ushers. He also claimed that the man ran screaming, developed cancer … and … tuberculosis, and died shortly after. In other versions of the story, the man was still living, suffering for his following the biblical instruction to test the prophets.

You can learn this and more on

The Man from Windsor:

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