How To Know Wisdom

1 year ago

Wisdom is knowing God.

Wisdom is knowing that every moment of your life is an opportunity to experience the wonder of God's love and presence.

It's about knowing that you are truly loved by Him, and that He has a plan for your life.

Wisdom means understanding that there are lessons to be learned in everything that happens to you, and being open to them when they present themselves.

Wisdom lets you see the best in others and makes you better able to forgive those who have hurt you—and it's also what helps you know when it's time to move on from relationships (or anything) that are no longer good for your soul.

Wisdom is realizing that there is always more than one side to every story; it's knowing when to hold your tongue and when to speak up for what's right; wisdom helps you discern between what's good for you and what isn't; it helps you understand when something isn't meant for your growth or benefit, so then you can let go of it without regret or guilt.

Wisdom lets us know God better than ever before—and with Him comes peace, joy, love!

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