The Raw Deal (26 September 2022) with Patrick McShay

1 year ago

As though more proof were needed of Twitter's corruption, it turns out that between 60-80% of tweets about Ukraine were generated by bots--where 90% of those were pro-Ukraine and anti-Russia. Jen Psaki admits that, if the midterms are a referendum on Biden--which of course they will be--then the Democrats will lose--to which I add, BIG TIME! My guest today, Pat McShay, has just published a piece surveying reasons why, including the flood of illegals across our Southern Border, inflation, rising crime (which Psaki accented as a major problem for the party) and much more. Indeed, while the Democrats would like this to be about abortion and equity and converting kids to the opposite sex, virtually all of them are working toward a massive defeat in November. A new survey shows that the #1 issue is the poor economy (89%), rising inflation (86%),problems with education (85%), border security (83%), and violent crime (81%), all of which work in favor of the GOP. Several calls came in from Brian in MO, Bruce from TX, and Paul from CA.

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