Christian B. MAGNONGUI’s Message to King Charles III

2 years ago


Today is September 27, 2022.
I am Christian Bernard MAGNONGUI, a former resident of the United States of America since 2009.

I was born in the Republic of Congo – Brazzaville. After immigrating to the US from South Africa in 2009, my green card was revoked by the 44th administration of Président Barack Hussein Obama, when I visited Paris, France, at the end of 2012, to transmit some crucial, confidential information to President François Hollande; information the 44th Président of the USA, Barack Hussein Obama refused to welcome by his silent attitude; I was denied the right to return in the US.

It follows the discovery of a scientific lead that links the construction of ancient stone structures (Pyramids, Obelisks, etc.) to the salvation of humanity.

Designed to solve climate anomalies that lead to extreme weather such as heat, cold, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, flooding, etc. for the next generation, theses devices were built to ensure our survival.

The US President was first invited to welcome and help secure ancient scientific knowledge of the construction of the pyramids in 2011 by the Higher Power that blessed me and humanity with the knowledge; but he refused it.

In addition to the Governors and scientific community in the US, including CNN, FOXNEWS, ABC, etc., Mr. Joe Biden, his Vice President who is the 46th President of the US, did not respond to my multiple invitations either. Strangely, I became a target of intimidation.

Who was behind it?

In an attempt to continue the divine project, I traveled to France to seek protection and assistance from the European leadership.

The former President Barack Hussein Obama worked tirelessly from 2013 to 2020 to prevent me from existing, thereby preventing the European chapter of this project from taking off.

In my books "The Challenges of the Message: from the U.S. to France and Switzerland, Tome 1" and "Tome 2", details are transcribed.

While I was campaigning in Europe for the Pyramid Project and climate change, I invited the government of England, along with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince and Princess of Wales, King Charles III, and Camilla, among other European leaders.
Despite receiving courtesy feedback from the British embassy and the royal house of Cambridge, neither of them demonstrated any actual support for the project.

For your record, I have included in this video, copies of letters I sent in and received from the royal house of England and its government’s representative.

Climate change is not a result of human activity. Those who built the Mounds knew its science.

We should focus our research on understanding and finally fixing the anomaly of the deteriorating earth's magnetic field based on what I have learned, along with the briefing we received from the Higher Power and the scientific evidence our ancestors left behind.

An unprepared and distracted humanity will be caught off guard by this coming new ice age resulting from the deterioration of the earth's magnetic field.

Would King Charles III act as did Louis XIV, King of France, in regards to the ancient knowledge of the stones and the « magnetic grid of the universe, » to help protect England first, and humanity survive the deterioration of the earth’s magnetic field, and climate change to come?

King Louis de XIV had peacefully left the earth after joyfully completing his job of protecting his land, France, against the deterioration of the earth's magnetic field upon Europe…

It’s your choice, King Charles III of England. Since accepting and existing alongside the black race seems to be a mental issue in your royalty, I don’t know if you would make it without divine assistance through my channel: since I am black.


SARS-CoV-2 infected me in March 2020 while I was in Paris, France. With the grace of God, the name of the vegetable ingredient was given to me as a means of healing, preventing, and immune from SARS-Nov-2, regardless of variations.

After I received the gift of eradicating Covid-19 and returning to normal life, the Higher Power instructed me to share the information with both former President Donald J. Trump of the USA and President Emmanuel Macro of France. They never responded to my video invitation on social media to receive the scientific technology of the vegetable ingredient and naturally end Covid-19.

Following a major lab's refusal to help, I transferred the technology in July 2020 to a black woman, Mrs. Darnisha Harrison, CEO of Ennaid Therapeutics and Company based in Georgia, in the US. A joint venture agreement was in place between us.
The 100% bio Chili Protein (Lungs Formulation) was produced by her and her associates despite stealing the intellectual property. As a result of the watchful eye and blessing of President Donald J. Trump's administration, the FDA and NIH, this bio medicine was granted a patent between November and December 2020.

A DOD (Department of Defense) agency purchased Ennaid Therapeutics and Company's bio Covid-19 lung formulation. Trump's family member was involved.

The Ministry of Health of Great Britain and the Mayor of London along other officials were briefed and invited, just as I did with other world governments, to develop a lung formulation for Covid-19 in March 2021.

See, published on, under the page (Covid-19), a subpage (Message to King Charles III), live by September 30, some declassified docs sent out and received from Great Britain authorities. More will be disclosed in my upcoming book on Covid-19.
King Charles III. Take my words, not as a black man, from a human being working with God the creator of Great Britain and humanity; The owner of the chili protein medicine stolen in the USA; That all experimental products they call vaccines for Covid-19 produced in less than a year are POISONS.

The Lord our God had sent a warning to President Trump and Americans Health Authorities and the WHO on my behalf, in November 2020, not to inject humanity with those poisons that will change their body's natural chemistry. They refused to listen, I guess for financial interests for some and global power control for the others.

Aren't 65 % of the US population obligated to take poisonous vaccines? In England, how much is it?

Covid-19 mass vaccinations mandated by Israel, Monaco, Italy, France, Canada, Brazil, and other countries have poisoned their populations.

Because following the vaccines, their immune function have been compromised, etc. Which explains why children in England are suddenly dying after having been vaccinated with the experimental Covid-19 vaccines. Adults too, will prematurely die.

I invite King Charles III to stop those vaccines and open a national security criminal investigation about the origin, purpose, and intentions of why a politician in the USA ordered the release of the SARS-co-2 virus from Wuhan, China to the USA, Europe, and abroad. The 2020 US presidential election was one of the objectives.

Cause the poisoning of humanity, of Great Britain's population and the USA, including Israel was part of their plan. If Great Britain does nothing to save humanity from this crime, our fragile society will collapse; communism, barbarism and tyranny will rule humanity.

My question to King Charles III is this? Did the People's Republic of China and the Federation of Russia receive the experimental Covid-19 vaccines?

Not at all. How come?

In order for humanity to return to normal life, King Charles III must assume leadership over the Covid-19 situation: Americans are only interested in politics, music, and entertainment while making their children homosexual in order for them to survive. That's fantastic!

In your former colony, in the US, Energizer, the 100% bio-lungs formulation, has been available since 2020.

Despite the fact that I briefed the leadership of Congress and the Senate, as well as governors, mayors, congressmen, senators, etc., on this National Security in March 2021, they have remained silent, except for a courtesy letter I received from the President of the United States, Mr. Joe Biden, in April 2022. (See letter attached.)

Is it possible to count on Americans? Unfortunately, no. Time is running and we need to save humanity.

A solution exists to reverse the poisonous vaccine side effects and save innocent lives. God entrusts me with such knowledge that needs testing and development.

King Charles III, we need your assistance.
Because the Secretary of Defense of the United States and the Joint Chief of Staff, General Mark A. Milley, have not shown any interest or wisdom in my efforts to save American soldiers and citizens from the toxic Covid-19 vaccines, can you arrange a knowledge transfer between me and your trusted military laboratory in England?

My letter addressed to the leadership of Congress and Senate of the US, and to the US military I wrote are posted on, Covid-19 (page).

King Charles III, I look forward to hearing from you.

It is God's will that England and humanity be saved.

Christian Bernard MAGNONGUI

1- Covid-19 (page) and Energizer Lungs Formulation produced in 2020, by Ennaid Therapeutics and Company, Georgia, USA.
2- Pyramid’s Project (and climate change)
3- Classical Music for Children

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