Biden Behind Nord Stream 1 & 2 Pipeline Gas Leaks!? | Dark Winter for Europe, False Flag for WW3!?

1 year ago

US President Joe Biden in February 2022 threatened Russia (and the EU) with the "promise" that "there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2" this has created speculation around Biden's involvement in the recent leaking which has taken place on both the Nord Stream 2 pipeline (yesterday 26th) and Nord Stream 1 pipeline (today 27th). Gas leaks in the pipelines are rare events to happen just by themselves and the chances that multiple gas leaks impacted both pipelines just days apart from normal fault is next to impossible, more doubt of this comes as on Sunday the 25th September German protesters took to the streets to call for the reopening of Nord Stream Pipeline 2. All of this has increased tensions between the west and Russia with public outrage from western civilians blaming Russia for the leaks arguing they was the ones who attacked it, whether you believe it was natural, Biden's or Putin's fault one thing remains the same at that is Europe's energy crisis is only getting worse and this will only increase energy bills across the world!

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