7 Simple Natural Weight Loss Methods (Backed by Science)

1 year ago

7 Simple Natural Weight Loss Methods (Backed by Science)

A lot of inaccurate advice about losing weight can be found online.

Numerous recommendations lack any basis in research and are at best dubious.

Many natural remedies, though, have been demonstrated to be effective.

These 7 simple natural weight-loss methods are easy to follow.

1. Include more protein in your diet
Protein is the king of nutrients when it comes to weight loss.

A high-protein diet can increase metabolism by up to 80–100 calories per day since your body burns calories while digesting and metabolising the protein you consume.

You may feel fuller and have less appetite if you consume a high protein diet. In fact, according to some research, persons who follow a high-protein diet consume more than 400 fewer calories each day (3Trusted )

Eating a high-protein breakfast (such as eggs) can have a significant impact.

2. Consume whole, simple ingredients
Setting your diet up around whole, single-ingredient meals is one of the best things you can do to get healthier.

The great majority of added sugar, added fat, and processed foods are eliminated by doing this.

Due to their natural tendency to be highly satisfying, most whole foods make it much simpler to stick to sensible calorie intake (7Trusted Source).

Additionally, consuming complete foods gives your body all the nutrients it needs for healthy function.

As a natural byproduct of consuming complete foods, weight loss frequently follows.

3. Keep away from processed food
Added sugars, fats, and calories are typically plentiful in processed foods.

In addition, processed food is designed to encourage you to consume as much as you can. Compared to non-processed meals, they have a far higher risk of promoting addictive eating (8Trusted Source).

4. Maintain Stocks of Nutritious Foods and Snacks
Home cuisine has a significant impact on weight and eating habits, according to studies (9Trusted Source, 10Trusted Source, 11Trusted Source).

You can lessen the likelihood that you or other family members will eat unhealthy food by keeping nutritious food on hand all the time.

Additionally, there are a variety of natural and healthful snacks that are quick to make and portable.

Hard-boiled eggs, yoghurt, whole fruit, almonds, and carrots are a few of these.

5. Reduce Your Intake of Added Sugar
Consuming excessive amounts of added sugar has been related to heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer, three of the world's most prevalent diseases (12Trusted Source, 13Trusted Source, 14Trusted Source).

Americans consume 15 teaspoons of additional sugar daily on average. You can be consuming a lot of sugar without even realising it because this amount is typically concealed in various processed foods (15Trusted Source).

It can be quite challenging to determine how much sugar is actually present in a product because sugar goes by many different names in ingredient lists.

A wonderful strategy to enhance your diet is to reduce the amount of added sugar you consume.

6. Drink Water

The idea that drinking water can aid in weight loss is true, therefore should be embraced.

The calories you expend for an hour after consuming 0.5 litres (17 oz) of water could rise by 24–30%. ( Trusted Source)

For those who are middle-aged and older, drinking water before meals may also result in a reduction in calorie intake ( Trusted Source)

When you substitute water for other drinks that are heavy in calories and sugar, you can lose weight more quickly

7. Have some coffee (without sugar).
Thankfully, more and more people are becoming aware of the health benefits of coffee, which is a tasty beverage packed with antioxidants and other helpful ingredients.

Drinking coffee may help you lose weight by boosting your energy and calorie burn (24Trusted Source, 25Trusted Source, 26Trusted Source).

Your metabolism may increase by 3–11% and your risk of type 2 diabetes may drop by a staggering 2–50% if you drink caffeinated coffee

Because it might make you feel full but has nearly no calories, black coffee is also excellent for weight loss.


Pregnant and lactating women should consult their health practitioner before trying out natural home remedies or any remedies in this channel.

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