GCS Bug Report - 9-26-2022

2 years ago

Sorry to hear you (and several others) ran afoul of a bug in the code that loaded settings -- and blew up when it encountered certain older settings. v5.0.1 should fix that. If you aren't seeing the master library content, you just need to have GCS re-download it. There is a menu choice for that in v4.x.x... or a button for it in v5.

Thank you Sir.
I have wiped everything.
Installed v5.0.1
I have pushed the magic button and it has reloaded my libraries.

Do you plan on offering the Export to gurpscalculator.com with this program any longer?

Also, when I Export -> PDF
It is still freezing the program completely and requiring a File Explorer -end program-... even after 30 minutes of trying to make the pdf file.

Also if I select -Print- it freezes the program.

23 hours ago
Maintainer Author

gcalc support has been dropped. The site does not seem to be actively maintained and when I did a poll to see what percentage of users actually made use of it, the result was close to zero. I will probably incorporate some of the helpers it had at some point.

As for export to PDF failing… please create an issue for it, including what OS you’re using and the exact steps you’re taking. If you can attach a file that triggers the problem, even better.

Same request for printing. I will note that the first thing printing does is try to find your printer via IPP (Internet Printing Protocol). Most printers in the past 15-20 years support that, but not all. If you don’t have a printer capable of IPP, that might be the problem. The UI shouldn’t freeze, but I may not have actually tested that case, unfortunately. Again, creating a bug report with exact steps taken will be helpful.

22 hours ago
Maintainer Author

Actually, now that I think about it some more, the printing issue is likely just due to the PDF generation failing, since a PDF is generated to send to the printer.

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