DTTV 123 – A Review of The Film Blade Runner, Starring Harrison Ford & Directed by Ridley Scott

2 years ago

Well, it’s time for another movie review, and today I’m going to cover one of my all-time favourite films, Blade Runner, starring Harrison Ford and directed by Ridley Scott

Videos by Daniel Absi, Kelly Lacy, and RODNAE Productions from Pexels

Thumbnail - https://moviesanywhere.com/movie/blade-runner

Intro Music - News Runner by Daniel H. licensed via Jamendo

Soundtrack Music - https://youtu.be/8uUyfFvpL9E

A special thank you to Richard Mitchell at RAM Design Group Inc (https://ramdesigngroupinc.ca/) for his public relations, editing, and promotional services.

#HarrisonFord #RidleyScott #FilmReview

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