An Introduction to the Constitution of the United States of America

2 years ago
167 - Adrie Min gave a presentation entitled: An Introduction to the Constitution of the United States of America. Adrie shares that the US Constitution has been abused and misused in the United States by government officials, and misunderstood by many US citizens. Adrie emphasizes the requirement for all US citizens to know and understand the Constitution and to become involved in local politics in order to protect their rights and freedoms. Adrie gives an overview of the Constitution, looks at the important differences between a republic and a democracy, and then speaks on the importance of safeguarding the US Constitution in its original form. Adrie’s presentation was one of three presentations during The Hearts Center 2022 Autumn Equinox Prayer Vigil Safeguarding Our Spiritual Heritage and Rights Now! Livestreamed from Livingston, Montana. Join heartfriends around the world in Aquarian prayer and meditation, services, conferences, pilgrimages, and Meru University spiritual courses.

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