09/26 SPECIAL EDITION – David Sumrall, Treniss Evans Interview with Amy Sever – PART TWO

1 year ago

This is one of The most important Interviews in The Sealed Book. EVERYONE needs to watch this Two Part series. We have HOSTAGES being held IN our own nation... In DC!

Do you remember how ENRAGED America was when Iran held 66 people hostage? Well, where is the outrage now? Our Own rogue Govt has held over 100 people hostage for 600+ days! Imagine that!

We MUST get this word out, and raise capital for a change of venue for these precious Patriots... Please watch, pray, share, and give...

StopHate.com CondemnedUSA.com
~Amy Sever

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"Thank You" to those that prefer to support this ministry by mail. You can make your check to Amy Sever International… and mail it to:

Amy Sever International
3245 W. Main Street #235-130
Frisco, Texas 75034

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